“How ONE Man, Who Was $20K In Debt Living In A Basement, Cracked The Code To $25M Success, And Now…

Uses His Power To Build Winners, Legends, & High Achievers! 

“How ONE Man, Who Was $20K 
In Debt Living In A Basement,

Cracked The Code To $25M Success

And Now Uses His Power To Build Winners, Legends, & High Achievers! 

On This Brand New Free Webclass, Philip Johansen, will for the first time ever, reveal:

On This Brand New Free Webclass, Philip Johansen will for the first time ever, reveal:

“How ONE Man, Who Was $20K In Debt Living In A Basement, Cracked The Code To $25,000,000 Success

“How ONE Man, Who Was $20K In Debt Living In A Basement,

Cracked The Code To $25,000,000 Success

And Now Uses His Power To Unlock Financial Freedom For THOUSANDS OF FAMILIES Across The World, Helping Them Escape The 9-5 Rat Race, Get Out Of Debt And Gain The Freedom To Live Wherever They Want!

…Without Needing To Create Their Own Products, Websites, Or Personally Sell Anything Themselves!

PLUS: Get the chance to win $10,000 and a FREE trip to Dubai

The FREE Webclass Starts In:


Inside This Free Webclass, You Will Discover:

The Breakdown
A complete breakdown of the fully automated, done-for-you business model that personally generates me 7-Figures+ per month on autopilot
You DON'T Need
Why you DON'T need sales, marketing, or any technical skills to fire your boss, pay off your debt, & replace your 9-5 job ALL in your spare time
How To Leverage
How “normal” people are leveraging this INSANELY profitable viral traffic generating hack WITHOUT building funnels, paying for ads, or posting multiple times per day
The #1 Golden Rule
The #1 golden rule to achieving financial freedom, security, and “THAT lifestyle” even if you are the busiest person on earth. This can be done in your spare time

The Man, The Myth, The LEGEND:

Philip Johansen

If you don’t know me - Hi, I’m Philip Johansen! 

When I first got started, I put in hundreds of hours worth of work… Just to make a handful of dollars. But fast forward to the very next year, my business made multiple 6 figures. And fast forward 2.5 years, I made $25 million online 

I’ve quit my plumbing job
I’ve moved into my dream house
I've bought my dream car
I’ve retired my mom and my girlfriend
I've donated a small fortune to cancer research
I've unlocked time, money and location freedom

…and YOU want what I have. 

But instead, you’re chained to a desk, digger, distribution center, delivery route, development lab, or wherever your work anchors you, miss time with your family and you HATE it. 

There, I said it for you

You’re miserable. 

You go through the same monotonous grind, over and over, feeling like you’re on a treadmill that gets you nowhere. You’re stuck in this loop, watching the seconds tick by, each one a stinging reminder of the dreams you’re not chasing.

I know because I’ve been there. 

Just 3 years ago, I was in the trenches as a plumber, lining someone else’s pockets, buried under a heap of debt, living in a basement.

I know how you feel. But more importantly… 

I know exactly how to turn your life around and gain all of the...













But I won’t give my secrets away to just anyone. 

If you want something from me, I want something from you: your COMMITMENT. 

Show me you’re serious about building WEALTH. Show me you’re serious about owning your TIME. Show me you’re serious about changing your FAMILIES LIVES

All you have to do is hit the button below, and you’re IN: 

“How ONE Man, Who Was $20K In Debt Living In A Basement, Cracked The Code To $25,000,000 Success

“How ONE Man, Who Was $20K In Debt Living In A Basement,

Cracked The Code To $25,000,000 Success

And Now Uses His Power To Unlock Financial Freedom For THOUSANDS OF FAMILIES Across The World, Helping Them Escape The 9-5 Rat Race, Get Out Of Debt And Gain The Freedom To Live Wherever They Want!

…Without Needing To Create Their Own Products, Websites, Or Personally Sell Anything Themselves!

© 2023 Philip Johansen - All Rights Reserved.